I will confess. I am so behind on news and pictures I am just hoping Craig fires me. I mean doesn't fire me. Don't think just because it's been 100 + in the shade that these guys haven't been fishing. Craig and Harold Knight have done some serious fishing. Also cousin Ryan was in to see Craig and you will see his picture in here. I have gotten so many pictures from Craig and he usually gives me info - weight of fish mainly - he has also been having great luck at the tournaments he has fished. He won a Tuesday night with daughter Katie and Harold and Craig has placed @ least 5th or better in I think 4 tounaments. Eddie on the other hand has been hosting buckeye fishermen. Ben and Bart were down for a long week-end and then low and behold in came Jeff Lynch, father-in-law Carl and that master fisherman Clint Lovely (that's what ya get Ben - don't mess with Mama!) What you are now going to see are random pix of what they have caught the first part of August. I hope you enjoy the photos and I will try to tag when I know who they are - See you on the Lake!

Marvin Tomes - Louisville KY |
Look - he almost smiled! |
This would be Clint Lovely (name not description) |
I know y'all think this picture thing is not gonna end - but I have more and here goes!!!
This is Ryan Hipsher - I believe his main lake is Ceasar's Creek - bless his heart!
I think I am gonna rename Craig - he is Mike Fink - King of the River (or lake)!!