Thursday, May 20, 2010


OK Craig, stop looking ways to scare everybody and start fishing.  Craig got this shot from his boat (I would not have wanted to be in it - he would have tortured)!  I personally haven't seen a snake in the high water - but if I would have seen this one I would be running across the water!

Another Day on the Lake

The Richno Family did some fishing on the lake with Craig.  They were down for some good ole Kentucky Lake fishing.  They got into a load of bluegill and red ear.  Sorry readers - I have no lake information - it is still high but it is down to 360 or so so the fishing is picking up.  See you on the Lake!

OK Dad This is the Last Time I Show You

Once again Katie took dad out and she spanked the fish.  She has to do this from time to time just to keep Dad a little humble.  As always - she does on a consistent basis, what most men would love to do once.  You hang in there girl - don't let up on Dad - humbling is a good thing Craig.  See you on the Lake!

Darrell Voss Group Hits Kentucky Lake

The Darrell Voss Group visited Kentucky Lake this week and Craig's trip with them was successful as always.  They all caught nice fish and the conditions are still not back to normal.  They ended up with 60 fish.  The high water is not as bad, but it is still over summer pool @ 360.5.  There is never a dull moment when fishing with Craig - y'all know that - he will see you on the Lake.